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Hi! I'm 08AM

contemporary art / painter, creator

미술로 표현해내고 싶은 에테르(Ether)는 많았으나, 그것이 예술적가치를 지닌 창작으로 발전 하기에는 철학적 사고와 독창성이 부족한 시기가 있었다.


하여 ”오리지널리티가 있는 창작은 무엇인가?" 하는 물음에 뿌리로 두고 예술적 가치를 지향하며 창작의 가지를 뻗어가는 과정에서 무형의 상을 시각적 언어로 표현하는 연구를 시도하게 됐다.


머리 속에서 형체가 없던 이론이나 생각들이 그림으로 그려지는 과정에서 결합과 해체를 반복하게 되었는데 그것은 덩어리, 선, 점으로 해체되어 순수한 모습으로 표현됐다가 다시 점에서 선을거쳐 면으로 옮겨지며 그동안 본 적 없는 개체가 되어 나타났다.

연구의 성과에 간절해서였을까? 어쩌면 이것이 그동안의 물음에 답이 아닐까 하는 생각마저 들었다.


 오리지널리티(Originality), 창작자의 철학이 시작되던 지점에서 끝없이 반복된 질문은 어문에서 평면으로 옮겨져 마침내 시각적 형태를 갖추었고, 나에게 자유로움으로 다가와 마치 연기처럼 흩날렸다. 그것은 마치 새로운 우주가 열리고 세포가 살아나는 경험이었다. 연기처럼, 나를 태우고 남은 미립자들이 새롭게 구성해낸 불완전 연소물이라는 연결도 창작자와 작품의 이야기를 담아내기에 개연성이 있었다.


 나의 에테르(Ether)는 작품 연구 과정에서 발견한 연기처럼 미립자 가득한 입체적 형태로 평면을 구성하며, 창작물을 통해 나의 존재 이유를 확인하고 화가의 눈으로 본 시대와 사회에 대한 메세지를 그려내는 필수 구성요소로 자리하고 있다. 지금도 나를 태워서 남은 입자들로 결합과 해체를 반복하며 누구도 본 적이 없는 형태로, 누구나 봐 왔던 대중의 형상을 구성해 그 속에 메세지를 숨겨놓고 있다.


대중의 형상 속에 메세지를 숨기는 기믹은 어쩌면 나의 인지 발달과 육체, 정신적 성장의 시기에 대중문화가 인생을 관통하고 있기 때문이며, 아이콘을 활용하여 전달하는 메세지와, 관람자에게 익숙한 형태로 보일 수 있도록 해내는 시각적 연출이 내가 찾은 오리지널리티(Originality) 라서이다.


My artistic journey was filled with ideas of "ether," yet lacked the philosophical depth and originality needed to evolve into creations of artistic value. It was in contemplating the question, "What constitutes original creation?" that I began to explore the realms of visual language, aspiring towards artistic significance.

As I attempted to visually express intangible concepts, theories, and thoughts, they underwent cycles of amalgamation and disintegration. From conglomerates, they dissolved into lines and dots, then reformed into their purest forms, transitioning from dots to lines, and finally into surfaces, sometimes presenting entirely novel entities.

Was it the ardency for discovery that fueled this research? Perhaps even this could be an answer to my long-standing inquiries. Originality, the starting point of a creator's philosophy, manifested itself through perpetual questioning, transitioning from abstraction to a visual form, eventually dissipating into freedom like smoke. It was akin to the birth of a new universe, with cells revitalizing.

The analogy of smoke, embodying me, and the remnants left after combustion, added coherence to the narrative between creator and artwork. My ether takes shape in a multidimensional form, composed of particles left after combustion, crucial in affirming my existence and conveying messages about our era and society through my artwork.

Even now, I continue to undergo cycles of amalgamation and disintegration, crafting unseen forms from the remnants, occasionally concealing messages within familiar shapes of the masses. This tactic of embedding messages within the populace might be attributed to the permeation of popular culture throughout pivotal periods of cognitive and physical growth, thus achieving originality through utilizing icons for message delivery and visual presentations familiar to the viewer.

 대중문화로부터 받은 영향을 작가가 구축한 작품 세계를 통해 표현해내는 현대미술가.


작가는 편집적인 성향을 극복해 내는 과정에서 발견한 에테르(Ether)를  이미지화하여 입체적인 형태로 평면을 구성하며, 작품을 통해 스스로의 존재 이유를 확인하고 작가의 눈으로 본 시대와 사회에 대한 메세지를 그려낸다.

다양한 아이콘을 활용하여 메세지를 전달하고 있으며, 관람자에게 익숙한 형태로 보일 수 있도록 연출하는 것이 작품의 특징이다.


 2012년 마이애미 국제교류전시 이후 미시시피 주립 대학(MSU)의 초대를 받으며 아트갤러리 및 시카고의 라큐나에서 전시 등 국제 활동을 계기로 작품을 발전시켰으며,


 2013년 서울에서 개최된 Cut&Paste 2013(WCO) 대회에서 우승하며 캐릭터 라이즈 (characterize)에 본격적인 관심을 갖게 된다.

 2017년 뉴욕에서 스트릿 아트와 아트마켓을 경험한 후 팝컬쳐에 대한 새로운 이해를 바탕으로 기존 표현 방식과 융합한 차용미술을 시도하게 되었고, 현재까지 그 에너지를 다양한 형태로 발전시켜 가고 있다.

 삼성전자, 라이엇 게임즈, 휠라, 푸마, 프링글스 등의 브랜드와의 협업도 꾸준히 병행하며 다방면으로 창작활동을 하고 있다.

08AM is a contemporary artist who expresses the influences received from popular culture through the creative world he has constructed.

During the process of overcoming his editorial tendencies, the artist discovered Ether, which he visualizes and constructs in a three-dimensional form on a two-dimensional plane. Through his works, he confirms his own existence and draws messages about the era and society seen through the artist's eyes.

The artist uses various icons to convey messages and features his works in familiar forms to the viewer.

After the Miami International Exchange Exhibition in 2012, he was invited to Mississippi State University (MSU) and developed his works through international activities such as exhibitions at art galleries and at LaQuna in Chicago. He became interested in Characterize after winning the Cut&Paste 2013 (WCO) contest in Seoul in 2013.

After experiencing street art and art markets in New York in 2017, he attempted to combine the existing expression methods with borrowed art based on a new understanding of current popular culture, and has been developing his energy in various forms since then.

He is also constantly collaborating with brands such as Samsung Electronics, Riot Games, FILA, Puma, and Pringles, and is engaged in various creative activities.

Career and history

2024.          MBN 화100, Top5👑.  [Korean TV show]

2021.          SuperRare Aritst 2021 []

2016.          Catholic University, Media Content Design [Lecture]

2013-14.     Samsung Electronics [creative, artist work]

01. Exhibition

2024.10. “일곱개의 시간" H-EAA 2024 group exhibition [ ArtSpace HO-HWA, KR]

2024.10. “Pop the YongMun" group exhibition [ Gallery KKI, KR]

2024.09. “Dream within Reality" group exhibition [ Superwow gallery&OnesGallery, AUS]

2024.09. “Art Plus X 2024” Art Fair [ Space XX, KR]

2024.05. “FOCUS Art Fair NEW YORK 2024” [ Focus, NY]

2024.03. “ComplexCon HongKong” group exhibition [ NineFstudio, HK]

▪ 2024.03. “NKF2024” with Gaudi group exhibition [ S factory, KR]

▪ 2024.03. “Beyond Blockchain” group exhibition [ Koohouse museum, KR]

▪ 2024.02. “PunchDrunk Love” group exhibition [ Superwow gallery, TH]

▪ 2023.12. “The Oulim in Tokyo” group exhibition [ Akiba square, JP]

▪ 2023.11. “ART CHALLENGE” [ Gwanak arthall, KR]

▪ 2023.11. “Art ground London 2023” [ SAATCHI gallery, UK]

▪ 2023.10. “The Oulim in London” group exhibition [ SAATCHI gallery, UK]

▪ 2023.09. “BRIGHTSIDE” group exhibition [ Sun city gallery, AUS]

▪ 2023.02. “The great together” group exhibition [ Streams gallery, CH]

2023.03. "BAMA2023" Artfair [ Collast, KR]

2023.02. "COAST" Group Show [ MINT ART HOUSE, QLD. AUS]

2023.02. "My Signature" Group Show [ Collast. KR]

2022.12. "Black lot" Union Artfair [ Seoul Auction, KR]

2022.12. "Myoung:Jak" Group exhibition [ Collast, KR]

2022.11. "Codes of street" Group exhibition [ THEO, KR]

2022.10. "Art Taipei 2022" Art fair [ Ping Art Space, TAI]

2022.09. "KIAF SEOUL 2022" Art fair [ Coex, KR]

2022.08. "DINNER" Group exhibition [ Trendy Art gallery, THI]

2022.07. "Are you crazy HUMAN?" Solo show  [ Chung M, KR]

2022.07. "Art Basel HongKong 2022" Art Fair  [ TEZOS, HK]

2022.05. "URBAN BREAK 2022" Art Fair  [ Collast, KR]

2022.05. "Plastic Art Seoul 2022" Art Fair  [ ArtSpace Ho-Hwa, KR]

2022.05. "Happy Baragi" Group Show  [ Collast, KR]

2022.04. "Group Show"  [ ART KKI gallery, KR]

2022.04. "Galleries Art Fair 2022" [Setec, KR]

2022.03. "Small" Group Show  [Suncity gallery, Noosa, Australia]

2022.01. "KOREAN GROUP SHOW"  [gallery Joyana, Aix en provence, France]

2021.12. "Meaison de Noel" 2nd NFT Villa show [IHAM gallery, Paris, France]

2021.12. "eBID" Seoul Auction Exhibition Preview [Seoul Auction, KR]

2021.12. "MYMY" Group Exhibition [Collast, KR]

2021.12. "ART TAICHUNG" [L gallery, Taipei]

2021.11. "DAEGU ART FAIR" [Gallery 41, KR]

2021.10. "ART DMZ" Group exhibition. [Studio KKI, KR]

2021.10. "Brave New World" Group exhibition. [THEO, KR]

2021.08. "Bacance"  Group exhibition. [Collast, KR]

2021.07. "NFT at Home"  Group exhibition. [IHAM, Paris]

2021.06. "Charactopia"  Group exhibition. [Collast, KR]

2021.06. "OWN CREATION"  Group exhibition. [Chung M art, KR]

2021.05. "NFT Villa" NFT artist Group exhibition. [Villa Hamilton, KR]

2021.05. "SunFlower" Group exhibition. [Collast, KR]

2020.09. "PARAKID RISE" Mobile App Gallery Launching exhibition. [Theo Art, KR]

2020.07. "HOMMAGE" 08AM, Gwaja J group exhibition. [L gallery, KR]

▪ 2019.12. "LoL Invade Art" League of Legends 10th collaboration Exhibition [LoL park, KR]

▪ 2019.11. "White sale" group exhibition [artcenter Bupyeong, KR]

▪ 2019.07. "Nostalgia : Wes Anderson" group exhibition [LOTTE gallery, KR]

▪ 2019.01. "Fashion & Goods" group exhibition [Fashion Research Institute, CN]

▪ 2018.10. "IT STYLE" group exhibition [LOTTE gallery, KR]

▪ 2018.09. "My own hero" group exhibition [FIFTY FIFTY, KR]

▪ 2017.12. "Dance Fusion 20th" anniversary exhibition [SUPY, KR]

▪ 2017.11. "COSMIC" group exhibition. [MODIUM, Seoul]

▪ 2016.10. "BEGINS" 08AM SOLO exhibition. [FIFTY FIFTY, Seoul]

▪ 2015.12. "Once Our Land" group exhibition. [Untitled gallery, Vancouver]

▪ 2015.11.  Secrert garden group exhibition. [FIFTY FIFTY, Seoul]

▪ 2015.10.  Solo show. "monthly project Yoonjongshin" Interview. [LOB, Seoul]

▪ 2015.05.  Pringles promotion. collaboration group exhibition. [FIFTY FIFTY, Seoul]

▪ 2014.10.  World vision "I Dream: exhibition. [Avenuel Art hall]

▪ 2014.10.  Lotte 35th anniversary "bon voyage" Group Exhibition. [LOTTE gallery, seoul]

▪ 2014.03.  "CLIQUE" Exhibition 08AM. [Kumho Gallery, Gwang Ju]

▪ 2014.01.  TRINITY group exhibition. [FIFTY FIFTY, Seoul]
▪ 2013.10.  4Artist Group Exhibition. [Mississippi State University Art Gallery, Starkville, USA]
▪ 2013.10.  “ICHABOD” group exhibition. [the DAVID Creative. Chicago, USA]
                  - "Live Painting" on the wood with Gwaja in Laquna, Chicago
▪ 2013.07.  08AM SOLO Exhibition [Indie+Visual]. [the Page, Seoul]
▪ 2012.12. "According to Them" Collaboration exhibition. [SPACES gallery, USA]
                  - "East meet West" Painting on the wall in Wynwood Art District, Miami
                  - "Live Painting" on the wood in Wynwood Art District, Miami


02. Co-work Experience

2021.09. [LX Holdings] TV commercial Character Illustration artwork. [Seoul]

2020.09. [Lotte Food] Goo Goo Cone X 08AM collaboration artwork. [Seoul]

▪ 2017.10. [Dance Fusion 20th] world tour Poster Design. [New york]

▪ 2017.09. [PUBLIC DANCE Mag] Popin pete co-work. [New york]

▪ 2017.08. [PUMA] "Run the streets" art collaboration Poster. [Seoul]

▪ 2014.05. [Häagen-Dazs] "Mango and Raspberry" runching fation show illustration.

▪ 2013.10. [Samsung Electronics C-rap] Mobile game Concept art. 

                  "Heroes classic" character artwork.

▪ 2013.10. [4Artist at MISSISSIPPI] Presentation Poster Design.

▪ 2013.10. [Behance Portfolio Review #4 Korea] Graphic Design.
▪ 2013.07. [SEOUL MONZ x 08AM ]Collaboration TOY Design.
▪ 2013.03. [Behance Portfolio Review #3 Korea] Graphic Design.
▪ 2012.03. [Jeju National University] Culture Exchange Center"History Area" Graphic design.
▪ 2012.01. [Korea JOB World] Kids Area Graphic Design.
▪ 2011.09. [Shinhan Bank] memorial hall Graphic Designer.
▪ 2011.08. [Sang-dong library] writer in History Illust design.
▪ 2011.08. [jmg museum] Kids Area Illust & Graphic Design.
▪ 2011.06. [Daegu National Science Museum] Kids Area Illustration & Graphic Design.
▪ 2010.07. [SEA-A]baseball Club "Han Tam" Character & Emblem Design.
▪ 2010.02. [Gamevil] "legend of baseball" Animation Advertising drawing

03. Awards


▪ 2024.09. [HOBAN Emerging Artist Awards 2024].
▪ 2013.04. [Cut&Paste KOREA] Characterized Seoul. Winner.

04. Selected

▪ 2023.01. [NERDY]  Partnership NERDY ARTIST.

▪ 2016.05. [KOREA TIMES]  ART / artist Interview.

▪ 2015.10. [Monthly Yoon Jong Shin] 10th, artist Interview.

▪ 2014.04. [SNAPS] VIRTUAL DESIGN SHOWCASE 2014 with 08AM

▪ 2013.10. [Mississippi State University] Artist Prasentation.
▪ 2013.09. [Adobe] Behance Portfolio Review #4 KOREA 2013 Official Organizer.
▪ 2013.06. [CA Collection Vol 09] "Highlight Illustrator" Interview.
▪ 2013.05. [Adobe] Behance Portfolio Review #3 KOREA 2013 Official Organizer.
                  [Behance] Portfolio Review #3 Korea. speaker
▪ 2013.05. [SNAPS] VIRTUAL DESIGN SHOWCASE 2013 with 08AM
▪ 2013.04. [the David creative. Chicago. USA] Artist Interview.
▪ 2013.03. [LIBBON Korea] Artist Interview.

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